
We may not have it all together but together we have it ALL

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Jumpin Jacks

Oh how we love play dates and Jumpin Jacks. We went with our good friends Chantel, Daxton, and Brielle. It was such a blast to get out of the house for awhile, catch up with Chantel because we don't get together as much as we used to, and let the kids run around a play. It took Gracie a little while to warm up to the huge inflatables but once she went down the huge slide once she was hooked. She even fell face first all the way down the slide and wanted to go again(she is such a little dare devil) The kids ran around like crazy and had a great time. By the time we were leaving Gracie was bright red and sweating so bad. They sure slept great that night.

Pizza, pizza, pizza

Tuesday night we decided to make homemade pizza. So I thought the girls would enjoy making their very own personal pizza. It ended up being pretty fun and they turned out really yummy.
Getting ready to start

All done ready to bake it

All done time to eat yummy.

Valentines Cookie

Mike is hardly ever home lately, between work and school we just don't get to see him much. So I've been trying to keep the girls busy and my mind off missing Mike so much that I've been looking for fun things that aren't expensive to do with the girls. Monday night we decided to make Valentines cookies. It was really fun, I can't believe how big my girls are getting. Kylie can pretty much make cookie all by herself besides the oven part.
Kylie making her cookies

This is what happens when Mommy is busy and Gracie decides she is going to do it herself.

Cookies are all done. They turned out so good. The next day I was running on the treadmill up stairs and the girl were watching Disney down stairs, so I thought. When I came down they had at almost all the cookies except 2. I 'm thinking the dos even got a cookie but no one will confess to that one.

Eating the leftover frosting. I think that is their favorite part about making cookie.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Where do kids come up with this stuff

We went Grocery shopping yesterday and we really needed a lot of stuff. When we got done I handed Kylie the receipt, she looks at me with this weird look on her face and asks "How much stuff did we buy" I told her we bought a lot of stuff. She looks and me and says our receipt is longer than Tangled hair. I just started laughing it was so funny with the look on her face.

Friday, January 21, 2011

New car

On News year day Mike decided we needed a new car. Our Jeep was having a lot of problems that He didn't really want to put the money into fixing. So we went to look at used cars but ended up leaving the lot with a brand new one. Which I absolutely love and I'm totally spoiled.

This look just like ours except ours is black not gray. I'm too lazy right now to go take a picture of our actual car but theses are pretty close. I love that it has three rows of seats and it has a back up camera which is probably my favorite things about it.

New Rooms

Well the time had came to move Gracie to a big girl bed which makes me really really sad. Where did my baby go??? Now I have this way to smart for her own good 2 1/2year old. My dad always says she a 5year old in a 2year olds body. Which she is, she is so dang smart and can talk so well, you'd never know she was 2 if you talked to her on the phone. Anyways I'm getting side tracked with not having a baby anymore. Which I would really love to have another one but now is just not the time (which after you see the pictures of the girls rooms you'll understand we need a new house so we actually have somewhere to put a new baby and Mike had to finish school before we get a new house) to have another baby.
Well I have a serious problem and probably need professional help with but My kids have so many toys (in my defence they're only little once why not let them have the time of their lives playing) they needed a room of there own. Plus we got the cutest bunk bed I've ever seen and love that it is a full on the bottom. I've had so many great memories already with my girls reading books, taking naps together, and just enjoying them being little.
It's a little bit of a challenge to get them to share a room and to get miss Gracie to stay in bed and go to sleep but It's totally worth it, my upstairs is way less messy.
Kylie's first night in her new bed. She is sleeping on the top bunk in this picture, but has decided she doesn't like the top so she sleeps with Gracie on the bottom.

Gracie's first night in her big girl bed. She was very irritated with me taking her picture. It was 1 in the morning, we had got home so late because the girls had a sleepover at Nana's on new years eve so Mike and I could get the new bed put together and all the toys moved with out being interrupted.

The toy room. I would have died to have a toy room like this.
The kitchen/restaurant area
My other bad habit I should get help with, I LOVE dolls mostly Disney but really any dolls.

Barbies dream town
The nursery corner

I have to have two sets of dolls for each of my princesses. (We really need a boy!)
The most favorite toy in our house the loving family doll house. They fight over it all the time.
More of Barbies dream town.