
We may not have it all together but together we have it ALL

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Last September we got another Shih tzu, her name was Maisy and we fell in love with her instantly. She was the sweetest little puppy. We only had her three days but that was enough time to leave a permanent mark in our hearts. One morning I found her dead in her kennel. I took it so hard, I know she was just a dog and we hadn't had her very long but they day we brought her home she was apart of our family.

Our Sweet Maisy who is in heaven.

The lady we got her from told us she would let us have any puppy we wanted out of her next litters. I'm so thankful to her for that because Kylie had Gracie still haven't stopped talking about it and it made it easier knowing Maisy would come back to live in our home again. So a few weekends ago we got to go pick out of new Maisy. It was exciting, they were only a week old and so tiny but we are getting a cute little brown girl. She will be eight week April 3.

These are the new puppies, I stole this picture off the lady's facebook page. I need to see if she'll send me a better picture. But you can see how small they are and the mom is so cute, I'm hoping Maisy will look like her.

New years resolutions

I usually don't make New years resolutions but this year I thought I would give it a try. I'm well on my way to accomplishing them. I made two, one being to run a marathon this year and two learn how to make quilts. Kim(my mother-in law) and I are taking a quilting class on Thursday nights, which I love going it is so much fun. We only have two classes left and our quilts will be done. I'm making a baby boy quilt in hopes that one day I'll need it. With the basic stuff we have learned so far I taught myself to make these cute quilts for the girls.

I was pretty proud of myself and love the way they turned out. The top one is Kylie's because it is bigger and the bottom one is Gracie's. You can't really see in the pictures above but the blanket is based on the middle pattern which is a really cute frog print.

So I've been training to run a marathon in July or August lately, it's a lot of work and with being sick and then I hurt my knee really bad running one day it's been hard to get in the groove of running everyday again. So to give myself some motivation Mike and I are signed up to run the thanksgiving point half marathon. I'm so excited and yet so terrified. I think it will be a lot of fun and give me the motivation to run a marathon this year.


Kylie has been learning the alphabet at preschool, so we have been practicing it at home and now Gracie pretty much knows it all. She just forgets E, M, and sometime the last few letters but most of the time just E and M. Which I can't believe because she is only two. She is so dang smart I don't know what I'm going to do with her. Here are some videos of the girls saying the alphabet. I think they are so dang cute.

Valentines Day

Mike absolutely hates valentines day. He always has but ever since we were kids he'd always do something for me he would just make sure do do it on a different day close to valentines day. This year he gave me a present on the Tuesday before valentines. He gave me an ipod touch (which I love) It was really sweet of him and he totally surprised me. I thought it would be fun to have a cute little valentines dinner at home. Everything we had was heart shaped. The girls helped me make a heart shaped brownie, cake and chocolate chip cookie and we had a heart shaped pizza. We decorated the dining room with lots of balloons. It was a fun evening at home.

Sick of being sick

I haven't had anything to post about lately because we have been so sick. We first got the stomach flu which took about two weeks until we were all better. Then it seems we were OK for about a week then we got this bad cold everyone has. It seems like it took three weeks to pass through all of us. So we haven't had anything exciting to write about. Just a whole lot of laying in bed trying to get well.