
We may not have it all together but together we have it ALL

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day

I'm one of those Crazy people who start Christmas Shopping in August, so despite everything that happened we were still able to have a good Christmas and the girls defiantly weren't disappointed. They got spoiled. They are at the ages were Christmas was so fun. I just love it I wish I could keep them this way forever.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve we went to Salt lake to see all our Family. We first went to my moms where we had a nice lunch and exchanged gifts, then we headed over to Mike's Moms and had dinner. I forgot my camera so I don't have any pictures which makes me sad. The girls got totally spoiled as always. After Mike's moms we hurried back to Spanish Fork and spent the rest of the night at Kim and James house. We had yummy soup and treats, and watched the kids play the dance game on the Kinect. It was a great day with lots of special people.
When we got home we found that Santa had been to our house and left Pj's and pillow pets for us to sleep with that night. The girls hurry got them on and got Santa his Milk and cookies.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Kylie's Christmas Party

I'm the room mom for Kylie's Kindergarten class so I get to plan all the parties. It's a lot of work but I love it. We Decorated Sugar cookies, snowflakes, and made marshmallow snowmen. The kids just loved it and were so hyper. I was so busy I only got one picture but I guess it's better than none.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Dance Recital 2011

I love having girls and this is one reason Dance. I just love getting them all dressed up and watching them dance. This was Gracie"s very first dance Recital. She had been waiting for this day forever. She was so excited and did such a great job. She wasn't even scared. She is the total opposite of Kylie. Kylie's first recital she screamed and cried and I ended up on the stage. Gracie was a pro and didn't care one bit.

The Smallest things can mean the most

When it felt like we were just surrounded by bad people and we wondered why us, the tiniest acts of kindness made us realize that there is more to life. A lady in Mike's art class heard about what had happened to us and felt so bad she went out and bought my girls a Christmas present. This lady has never met my girls and only talked to Mike once a week in class. People like this are what it's all about. It really helped me know that not everyone is bad and out to get you because that is defiantly how I was feeling. In a way these presents helped me more than my girls. They were sure excited about them. I let them open them a few days before Christmas and they were in heaven.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Silly Girls

We were waiting for Mike to get out of school and got there a little early, the girls were being so silly and kept wanting me to take their picture doing funny things. These were just too cute not to post. I love theses girls more than anything,.