
We may not have it all together but together we have it ALL

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Gracie's First day of Preschool

How is it that my baby is old enough for school??? It seems like I was just pregnant with her and now she is this cute little girl going to school. She was so excited for school she was mad she had to wait a whole extra week to go after Kylie. Her first day went great, she didn't cry or anything. She was mad I was hanging out for so long. She was like "leave already mom" I think a part of me wanted her to be sad to see me go but at the same time I'm glad she puts enough trust in me not to leave her with the wrong people.

She had a great first day and got to bring home some play dough which she hasn't stopped talking about. She only goes to school Tuesdays and Thursdays so on the Wednesday after her first day she was getting ready for school I told her that she didn't have school that day. She got so mad and was yelling and crying that it wasn't fair Kylie has school everyday and I don't. It was the cute thing after I got her to calm down.

Gracie is such a smarty she has already passed off her numbers 1-10 and knows all of her colors. She is even a perfect angle at school which is totally opposite from how she acts at home.

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