
We may not have it all together but together we have it ALL

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Camping up Payson Canyon

Aug5-8 We went up Payson Canyon to Camp. We all has a blast spending time together. On Sunday the girls went to go on some hikes while the boys went fishing. We went and hiked the grotto again since Kim had never been. It was so nice no one else was there since it was 10 in the morning on a Sunday. All the pictures are from our hike. Then we hiked about half of another one. It was really steep and the little girls were getting tired. When we went back to Kims truck it wouldn't start. We were straded, our camp was about 5 miles up hill from where we were and we had no phone service. We waited over an hour before anyone would stop to help us. Since it was Sunday there were so many people coming down the mountain on there way home and no one would stop, JERKS. Finally this really nice family stopped and gave me a ride back up to Mike so he could some rescue us. It was very eventful but omce that was over we went back to the trailer and relaxed playing games and just enjoying each other

Kylie was doing her gymnastic moves on this log, it was so cute and she was doing such a great job.

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