
We may not have it all together but together we have it ALL

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Old Blog posts

I found these on a blog from when I was pregnant with Gracie, I shut that one down and didn't want to lose these so I'm just posting them here.
Remove Jul 2, 2008
3 weeks
Current mood:indescribable

I can't believe I made it this far, I'm 37 weeks and everything is looking great. If I don't go into labor Gracie Christine will be born July 23. Which is only three weeks from today! I am so excited and yet at the same time I'm terrified. I don't really know what to expect because with Kylie my epidural didn't work so they just put me to sleep and I was so sick I don't really remember anything, plus Kylie had to stay in the NICU. This is kind of like the first time for me in a way.

It's all kind of seeming so real to me today, because I haven't really wanted to get my hopes up to have something bad happen. It's kind of bitter sweet I was thinking after I have the baby it won't just be me and Kylie anymore. Can I handle two kids? Kylie is such a demanding little girl, she wants everything right now. I'm sure I'm just freaking out but it scares me. On the up side Kylie is pretty excited about her little sister. She talks about her coming out of mommy's belly soon and she wants to help give her a bath, and tickle her feet. It's so cute! We went to build a bear and she made Gracie a bear which was very special to her. She came home and put it in Gracie's room. Plus I may have reached my goal of having her potty trained by the time baby comes. The last few day she has been using the potty all day long. Which makes me so excited. I would have never thought pee in a toilet would make me happy, but I guess it's one of the joys of being a mom.

11:19 PM
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Mar 7, 2008
Time flies
Current mood:blessed

It's so crazy how fast time goes by. Mike and I have almost been married for three years, I can't believe it. I love him so much and am so glad he is my husband and puts up with me when I get a little crazy. He is such a good daddy and has been such a good sport about having two girls, I know he is getting sick of all the cute girl things. (We'll have a little boy one day.) Life has been so crazy lately with working, remodeling our house, a two year old, and being pregnant. But things are looking good, we should have our house done but the end of April instead of June which makes me happy, I'm half way done with my pregnancy and can't wait for this little girl to be here. She is a little stinker already she moves so much. I never really felt Kylie like I feel her. I love it though it's so amazing. We have two names we really like but can't decide so I think we are going to wait until we see her to decide which one fits her. Kylie is getting her big girl bed soon, we bought it last night. She calls it her princess bed and she wants a little mermaid comforter. We've been trying to potty train which isn't going to well, she's just not interested but I'm determined not to have two in diapers so she has until July. So that's what's going on I thought I'd update since I usually only do about the bad things.
11:49 AM
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Jan 15, 2008
Baby 2
Current mood:excited

Baby 2 is on it's way! Everything is looking great. Baby is due July 27, 2008 but they scheduled my c-section for July 21, 2008. The doctor thinks this will be the one that goes full term. So we are so excited. Kylie got to see the baby on the big screen then we got a picture so she thinks that's pretty cool. We should find out what it is in about a month.

4:18 PM
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Sep 13, 2007
Current mood:thankful

Before I was a Mom;
I made and ate hot meals,
I had unstained clothing,
I brushed my hair every day,
I had quiet conversations on the phone,
I slept as late as I wanted and I slept all night long.

Before I was a Mom;
I cleaned my house each day,
I never tripped over toys or forgot lullabies,
I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous,
I had never been puked on, pooped on, spit on, chewed on, peed on, or
pinched by tiny fingers.

Before I was a Mom;
I never thought about immunizations,
I never held a screaming child so the doctors could give shots,
I never looked into teary eyes and cried,
I never felt my heart break into pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt,
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.

Before I was a Mom;
I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put it down,
I never sat up late hours of the night watching a baby sleep,
I never got up in the middle of the night to make sure everything was okay,
I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby.

Before I was a Mom;
I had complete control of my mind, my thoughts and my body,
I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside of my body,
I didn't know that having something so small could make me feel so
I had never known the warmth, the joy, the love, the heartache,
the wonderment, or the satisfaction of being a mom.

Before I was a Mom;
I never knew that something so small could effect my life so much,
I never knew that I could love someone so much,
I never knew I would love being a Mom,
I didn't know the bond between a Mother and her child,
I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much.

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