
We may not have it all together but together we have it ALL

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What would Life be like without Gracie

Gracie is the Funniest kid I know, the things she says and does daily sure make for an entertaining life. She came into my room one night with her whole head covered in hair bows. She was giggling and being silly. I love this girl to death.

Strike a pose

One night the girls came down in their dance clothes and wanted me to take pictures. They are so little models I just love it.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

My FireFighter

I am Married to one amazing Man. He is going to school full time, he is a volunteer EMT, and works full time. He amazes me everyday at what he can accomplish. This Journey hasn't been easy for any of us this last year but I know one day it will all be worth it.
It scares me to death Mike being a firefighter but I know he is meant for this career, you really couldn't find a better person and I'm lucky enough to be married to him. I love you Mike and am so proud of you!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

oh the Places they'll sleep

I have two of the most awesome cats I've Even seen. I almost ran them over a few years ago, so of coarse I had to rescue them. I brought them home in the hopes to find them homes but they grew on us and we ended up keeping them. Everyday I find them sleeping somewhere weird.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Smarty Pants

Both Kylie and Gracie are so smart and doing amazing at School. Kylie is one how the best readers in her class and has the best handwriting according to her teacher. Gracie is the youngest in her preschool class and is up there with all the 5year olds getting ready for Kindergarten. She still has another year of preschool. So since they were both doing so well and were being good girls I decided they needed a special treat. We went to build a bear and they got these cute Brittany's from The chipmunks. Of Coarse they needed to model when we got home. How did I get so lucky to have these sweet cute girls???

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day

I'm one of those Crazy people who start Christmas Shopping in August, so despite everything that happened we were still able to have a good Christmas and the girls defiantly weren't disappointed. They got spoiled. They are at the ages were Christmas was so fun. I just love it I wish I could keep them this way forever.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve we went to Salt lake to see all our Family. We first went to my moms where we had a nice lunch and exchanged gifts, then we headed over to Mike's Moms and had dinner. I forgot my camera so I don't have any pictures which makes me sad. The girls got totally spoiled as always. After Mike's moms we hurried back to Spanish Fork and spent the rest of the night at Kim and James house. We had yummy soup and treats, and watched the kids play the dance game on the Kinect. It was a great day with lots of special people.
When we got home we found that Santa had been to our house and left Pj's and pillow pets for us to sleep with that night. The girls hurry got them on and got Santa his Milk and cookies.